***0.*** In order to get to download links, you might need to register on forum first. It is easy and takes only 1-2 minutes.1. Install NBA 2K14 first (patch is compatible with all other mods)2. Download EL 2K20 Patch3. Extract .rar archive (you should get three files - setup and two .bin files, it is necessary to put all three in the same place/folder)4. Run setup5. Choose exact spot where your NBA 2K14 is installed (otherwise it won't work)6. Choose "Yes", then "Next" and wait for install to finish (5-10 minutes max)7. Patch has its own .exe by which it is run (el2k20.exe), you will also have shortcut on your Desktop8. Inside main menu choose Options/Load-Save/Load and choose EL2K20.ros
Nba 2k14 Euroleague Patch Free Download
Download Zip: https://0riale0descgi.blogspot.com/?file=2vB2rZ